[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


7th December 2009

Watch What You Are Watching

Mind is all that counts. You can be whatever you make up your mind to be.
                                                      --Robert Collier

We may not know what is happening around us. In fact we may not know fully what is happening inside us. But what is happening outside us has a bearing on our internal thought process and verse versa. We are driven by our surroundings and we are influenced by the same. We may not be fully conscious of  what we are doing and how we are utilizing our faculties. Our brain receives a lot of inputs through our five senses and the brain processes the same in its own way. Given the proper input, the process will result in proper output in terms of our strategy and behaviour.

This principle should be borne in mind when we are working towards a worthwhile cause. We have to engage all our faculties in the pursuit of our goals and objectives in life. Tuning up of our five senses and focusing all our conscious awareness towards our goal is a critical process in our journey to success. It is essential that we are aware of what and where we are focusing. Our eyes should only see things which are relevant; our ears should only hear what is relevant; we should only do what is relevant to us; we should only be saying what is relevant to us.

We may think that this is a simple principle and we are already doing it. But sometimes may not be aware of what we are doing. Our mind may cheat us into believing that we are seeing/hearing/saying/doing what is relevant which may not be true. One way to do be aware of what we are doing is to tune up our conscious awareness.

From this minute onwards frequently stop doing whatever you are doing for a few seconds and ask yourself: hey, what am I doing? Am I fully aware of what I am doing? Is what I am doing really relevant to me and my purpose in life?

Try this for a few days and you will be amazed to know how unconscious we are about our own consciousness!

N C Sridharan



