[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


15th Dec 2009

What is repeated will be registered

Man becomes a slave to his constantly repeated acts. What he at first chooses, at last compels.

Orison Swett Marden

We all know what behaviour is. It is an activity or work towards some task. Walking, reading, jogging, writing are all behaviors. The dictionary meaning of the word `behave' is to act in a certain way. `Behaviour' is defined as a way of behaving. In our day to day life, we have to behave or act in a certain way. There are dos and don'ts. Some activities become pre-requisites for success and leave us very little choice. We may not like doing what we do and we may even give up doing those activities. In order to sustain what we have decided to do on a continuous basis, we have to establish a flow and consistency. When this happens, we call it a habit.

Though this is a simple principle, it is not so simple to implement  it in our daily life. The reason is that we forget there are two components for any behaviour or action, one physical and the other, mental. Sometimes, we may be involved physically in doing something, without mentally involving ourselves. We may not like what we are doing and sometimes we are compelled from external sources to do what we are doing. When this element is present, we do not have the `flow' in our activity level. Our mind will be distracted and when we are compelled too much, we may get irritated.

One way to overcome this situation is to mentally repeat to ourselves what we have to do and convince ourselves into doing it. For example, if you  want to get up at 4 am everyday, repeat in your mind `I want to get up at 4 am, I want to get up at 4 am, and I want to get up at 4 am' several times in a day. Let these words constantly play in your mind like a tape recorder. When convenient, sit in a quiet place for about ten minutes and repeat these words in your mind and visualize how your life will transform if you have implemented this action in your life. Make this picture as vivid as possible.

When you have done this sufficiently, you will be surprised to see the consistency in your behaviour and activity level.

Try this from today.




