[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th December 2009

Learn From Every Experience- Good or Bad


A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.

Elbert Hubbard

It is not our knowledge and education, but it is our wisdom which make us what we are. The meaning of the word wisdom is `body of knowledge and experience. The meaning of the word wise is `having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment. Once we understand this principle, the process of becoming wise is made easy.


There are two ways we can do something - through raw knowledge or education, or through knowledge supported by our experience. If we take the second route, the outcome that we produce will be of a very high order. If we are driven by experience, the quality of the decision that we take will be very good. In fact this is the quality which distinguishes  a successful person from a  not so successful person.


Many of us want only good experience and we enjoy that process. We look forward to such occasions. We avoid going through bad experience and we do not like the same. But if you think for a while, we can learn a lot from a bad experience too. The process of a bad experience can be painful and we may not like to stay in that sate or endure the same. We tend to forget a bad experience and whenever we think about the same, we try to come out of the same. But we have to think and process a bad experience even more than a good experience.


What is there in a good experience, except that you are happy and proud of the same? On the contrary, we can learn very useful lessons from a bad experience. We can ask: what is one learning point from this bad experience and how am I going to be wiser the next time? What is my counter measure so that I don't commit the same mistake again?


By adopting this process,  we will become more mature and balanced in life. We may not like or look forward to a bad experience. But when it happens, learn from it!

N C Sridharan



