[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th December 2009


Revisit your old skills…


Man becomes a slave to his constantly repeated acts. What he at first chooses, at last compels.

Orison Swett Marden

Just mentally go back in your life and think of  all the  skills you  once had. The list may include things you did such as cycling, playing cards, chess, cricket, public speaking, painting, singling, playing an instrument, etc. Think,  if you still do some of them. It is likely that once you rode a bicycle, then a scooter or a motorbike and now you may be driving a car. Just think when did you last drive a scooter or ride a bicycle! Perhaps for years together you have not done so. If so, take your motorbike and ride. Similarly, play your favorite musical instrument and enjoy doing it. You may not have the time to do it. You may afford a car now and you may not have to ride a motorbike. Even then do it. You will enjoy this experience.


You should also understand what happens in your brain when you do an activity. A path way is formed in the brain. It becomes a pattern when you repeat the activity a couple of times. It is just like a flow of water registering a pathway. When such a pathway is made by water, next time when the water flows in the same place, it will take the same route. This is how a river is formed.


This is what happens in your brain also. When you repeat an activity a number of times, certain neurological pathways are made in your brain. Even when you stop doing that activity altogether, the neurological pathways still remain in the brain. By re-visiting your old activity once gain, you are `repairing' or `de-silting' these pathways. It is a very good exercise for the brain. The `inter neurons' which connects the brain cells are strengthened and this is good for  brain development.


We are aware of many exercises that we do and we see external things such as muscle building or tanning. But there are also many internal things happening to our brain cells and nerves which we cannot see. We need to do such exercise also. By doing so we will be strengthening our internal organs.


Try this and feel the difference over a period of time.


N C Sridharan



