[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


10th December 2009

Convert Every Minute into Commercial Time!

                                      `Time wastes our bodies and our wits,

                                 But we waste Time, so we are quits.'                                                                            

Our time has a commercial value. We are paid by the value we create for others. A product is sold by the value it creates for the user. The more value it creates, the more valuable it becomes. The difference between the value of the product lies in the difference in the value it creates. For example, the automobile is priced by the features it carries. The same is true for any product.

If we think for a moment, all these products are the end result of some human activity. Even nature cannot be harnessed to its full capacity without human contribution. Whether we are an individual of an organization, our time has to produce measurable results. The measure has to be in terms of monetary value. One might argue that everything need not be money. But the fact is that everything is measured in terms of money.   We are paid  money, interest received /  paid is  money, shareholders get  money, the government collects taxes  and , we pay  to get our products and services, thus  every thing is measured in terms of  money!

In an organization, there is the concept of cash flow. There is cash flowing into the organization and there is the cost for producing the products and service. In this context, we need to seriously consider the commercial value of our time. We need to consider if we are doing justice to the person who pays for our time. When we are working for an organization or an individual, we have sold our time for a consideration called salary and the owner of our time who has purchased our time has a right to get the return on investment. Once we accept this principle, it is easy to understand that our time has to produce a commercial value.

Hence we need to convert every minute into commercial time! We have to acquire some knowledge or skill which is relevant for our organization and improve our process so that there is a quantifiable and measurable outcome which is of commercial value.

Through out tomorrow, meticulously and honestly log all your activities that you do every 30 minutes and at the end of the day think if you have converted every minute of yours into commercial time!

N C Sridharan



