[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


11th December 2009

Productivity of Ideas….

To find yourself, think for yourself.


This week end set aside one hour and list down the various ideas and projects that crossed your mind during the last six months. Let it be any idea, small or big, huge or trivial. For example:

·        To learn a new language

·        To reduce weight

·        To improve rapport with….

·        To write an article for…..

·        To launch a new product

·        To construct a house

·        To learn music

·        ……

·        ……

·        ……

Against each item, tick if you have taken some action towards implementing the idea and if so the consistency and the quality and quantity of work that you have done. This is a measure of how productive  your mind is. This index is the reality index on how much of your ideas are translated into actionable plans.

Many of us are good in planning. All of us  are  capable of coming out with good ideas. Some of the ideas may be really good. The problem is a few of us are good in following up the ideas with actions and that too consistently. Our ideas should pass through the stage of wishful thinking to activities.

This will decide the success factor. All of us think, but the successful people give a shape to their thinking by investing their time on activities in the direction of their dream.

Try this exercise and you will find a change in your productivity.

N C Sridharan



