[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th December

You are wearing down…

I always went to bed at least for one hour as early as possible in the afternoon, and exploited to the full my happy gift of falling almost immediately in to deep sleep.  By this means I was able to press a day and a half's work in to one.                                                 -      Sir Winston Churchill

You may not notice. You may not like. You may not be conscious. But you are wearing down! Every day we are one day older than the previous day! You take your family album and go through the same from cover to cover. You will realize that there is a change in you. We are engaged in doing various activities and in our busy schedule we forget to think about these parameters of our living.

We can count the number of parts in a thing like a wrist watch or a television set. But we may not know how many parts are there in our body! In our brain alone there are thousands of parts, not to talk about other parts. Our body is a complicated and sensitive instrument and we need to maintain the same. Any machine or tool which is not maintained properly will lose its effectiveness and will break down one day. That is why there is a maintenance schedule in an office or a factory. We get into a maintenance contract with respect to our refrigerator, air conditioners etc. But do we do the same with the most precious and sensitive gadget we have- our body?

Have maintenance shut down for your body every year! Take a few days leave from your work and relax. Sleep. Don't do anything. Just rest.  Don't even look at your watch. Keep your mobile phone in power off mode. Eat your favourite food. Of course, keep in mind your health condition. Spend half an hour everyday for exercises. Go for yoga or meditation. Go for a master check up every year.

Take this idea seriously. You live only once and you are a precious person!

N C Sridharan



