[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


Add a new skill every year!

2nd December 2009

No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.

-  William Penn

A lot of changes are taking place around us and we have to  keep ourselves fit to face the challenges of change. There is a technology revolution sweeping across the world and it will have implications on our career. Our skill that we have today may not be relevant when things around us change. We have to be prepared and fit to adapt to the change.

One way to welcome the change is to revisit our skill set. We have to ensure that we have the right type of skill and resources at the right time. We are witnessing that many of the skills which were relevant earlier are not today. For example stenography, telex operation etc are no more relevant. One day our present skill may become obsolete and redundant.  It is therefore necessary to do something to learn new skills.

Do an exercise to day. List the skills that you will be requiring in the next three to five years to keep progressing in your career. Some examples are:

·        Presentation skill

·        Negotiation skill

·        Communication skill

·        Some specific technical skill- name it

·        Typing skill

·        Thinking skill

The list can be long. Once the list is complete, decide to concentrate on one skill per year and take action to master the same. Set aside about 2 to 3 hours per week and to acquire the same. Commit yourself to this important portfolio. Tell someone you trust most about this resolution. Make a self affirmation. Make out a sticker and paste the same in some prominent place where you can see it frequently. Check your progress every month……

Think about this idea this week.

NC Sridharan



