[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


17th December 2009

Focus Your Thoughts To Inspire You…

We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.

Stevie Wonder

Our mind is always occupied by thoughts and is never empty. You cannot reach a state of thoughtlessness that easily. Very few people such as Ramakrishna Paramahams, Vivekananda, and Ramana would have done it. For the rest of us it is next to impossible. We have to accept this as reality. Once this is clear, the only thing we can do is to control our thoughts and use the same to achieve what we want. We need to find a way of focusing our thoughts on things that are going to help us to reach our goals in life.

We can classify thoughts into useful and useless. We need to train our mind to develop useful thoughts and weed out useless thoughts. Just like any other source of energy such as light energy, electrical energy, heat energy, our thoughts are also a form of energy. When we deal with other forms of energy, we conserve the same and use the same to produce a predetermined outcome. We are very conscious about its use and misuse. We do not  allow an electrical bulb to burn unnecessarily since we know that it is a waste. We will not waste water for the same reason.

However, we are not so conscious when it comes to using thoughts to useful purposes. Just imagine that you have fully charged battery cells loaded into a torch light. Every time you press the button, the bulb glows consuming the stored electrical energy. Every time this happens, the battery depletes and you have to charge it again. The same principle applies to our mind.

Our mind is the battery and the thoughts are the energy which propels us into actions. When our thoughts are triggered and made to focus on things which are useful, our life glows. If we focus our thoughts on things which are useless or things which irritate or anger us, our mental energy is depleted. It is a discharge of our mental energy.

Since we cannot empty all our thoughts, the only thing we can do is to notice thoughts which will discharge our mental energy and stop the same. You can do it becoming conscious of what you are thinking and if the thoughts are useless, just say `it is useless' and shift your thought to something useful. It is just the same way as when you use a torch light.

Try this and notice how your mind can be used  as a powerhouse!

N C Sridharan



