[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


24th December 2009


List your various portfolios and decide your role model


Good, better, best; never let it rest till your good is better and your better is best.


We have more than one role to discharge. We may be an executive in an organization. At the same time we are a parent or a son or a brother etc. We combine all these roles in us. We may not be aware of this, but it is true for all of us. We may not know how we are performing in our various roles. We may not know  whether we are doing well or not. We may not have a measure for our performance.


In order to do well in any role, we need to `bench mark' our performance with reference to some standard. If we carefully look around, we will be able to see an example of high or low achievement. We need to evaluate how we are doing with reference to someone who is doing exceedingly well in that role. We call them as role model.


If you are an executive, find out who is your role model and give a factor 10 for him or her. If that is your benchmark of excellence, give a mark to yourself as to where you think yourself to be. The gap is the scope for your improvement. Similarly, take your family role and bench mark yourself and find out the gap. Once you have this measure, then it is easy to plan out an action plan to improve your performance.


Once you decide your role model, then be clear as to what are the parameters you would like to evaluate, such as knowledge, skill level, achievement level etc. Every six months, you need to find out how your performing in your `bridging portfolio', which means how you are progressing in your efforts of reducing the gap between you and that person with reference to a specific parameter.


List just three roles that you handle now and do this exercise. You will find the difference in yourself.


N C Sridharan



