[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


4th February 2010


Improve the Team Quality


"I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow."

-- Woodrow Wilson


Any success, small or big, is a team effort. We need the help of others, and others need our help. The success of a person depends on how well he is tapping the help of others. People have all the resources to perform at their best. They are willing to do so. The question is: are we willing to use them through proper encouragement? There is a word `synergy", which means `cooperation of two or more things to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.


We need to work with others. This calls for certain qualities in us such as our ability to develop them, our ability to encourage them, our ability to empower them etc. There is a saying that a chain is as strong as the weakest link. This is true of a team also. We need to address the issue of team development. More often than not, we care for our own development and very rarely we consider if we have to develop the members of our team.


We talk about individual intelligence, individual efforts, individual wants and needs. We need to talk about the group and team needs also. When it comes to succeeding in life, it is not merely how intelligent we are which is important. What is even more important is how intelligent is the group. We do a `SWOT' analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) for ourselves. We need to do the same for our team also.


Consider: What is the quality of the people surrounding you? What are their developmental needs? Do I care for them? Do they feel free to talk to me? Are they comfortable in expressing their dissent if they feel they should do so? What is their commitment level and emotional attachment to the team goal?


N C Sridharan

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