[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


22nd February 2010


Nothing is too late….


Forty is the old age of the youth and fifty is the youth of the old age!


I came across the above quote somewhere and it made me to  think. All of us will pass through the `mid forty dilemma' when we will take stock of what ever we have achieved in life and remains to be done in the rest of our time. We may feel happy about some of our accomplishments and we may also feel a gap between what we wanted to do and what we have actually done. We may think that we missed a large part of life doing things which are not really relevant. I many organizations I have come across people who say that they are just waiting fro retirement and counting their days.


We need to accept the fact that life is as exciting as we make it. At every point of time in our life, we need to redefine our mission in life and draw our goal from the same. A mission is the over all purpose and a goal is a target. Our mission up to the age of forty could be something related to our education, career, savings, professional accomplishment etc. From the age of forty to fifty, we need to redefine our mission and focus on larger issue in life such as spirituality, helping the society, seeing and enjoying our people perform and prosper.


There are some goals and tasks which we cannot undertake until we are old enough and mature enough to appreciate. These issues are very relevant as we reach the evening in our life. As long as we are busy in growing and earning in our career, we are not able to find time to focus on these larger issues. When we turn forty or fifty, we are richer by experience and knowledge and fit to handle larger issues in life.


We can think of living for others instead of living for ourselves. We can think of leading our youngsters instead of managing our own work. We can think of pursuing our favourite hobby which we were not able to do when we were busy in pursuit of our work and career.


Think about some exciting mission and goal in life when you turn fifty!


N C Sridharan



