[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


9th February 2010


Speed and necessity….


"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."

 –Charles Darwin



We need to understand the link between the speed of our work and how our mind decides the speed and pace of work. Our speed and pace of work is not a peripheral issue but is a deep mental issue. There are occasions when we are really fast and there are other occasions when we are not as fast as we have to be. We can not be slower or faster than we want to be. Everything has a strong reason in our mind.


We need to enter every activity as though our very survival depends on that activity. With this state of mind alone, we will be at the peak of our efficiency and speed.


While I write this, I am reminded of a small story I read somewhere. A rabbit was being chased by a cheetah. As we know the cheetah is an animal which can run very fast and the speed of a rabbit is no match for that of the cheetah. Even after a very long chase, the cheetah was not able to catch the rabbit. Ultimately the cheetah gave up chasing and asked the rabbit how it is able to run faster than the cheetah.


The rabbit replied, `It's true that you are capable of running faster than me. But you see, you are running for your food, but I am running for my life!' and so saying disappeared into the forest!


Now you will understand what determines our speed!


N C Sridharan

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