[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


16th February 2010


You are unique!

Whatever your discipline, become a student of excellence in all things. Take every opportunity to observe people who manifest the qualities of mastery. These models of excellence will inspire you and guide you toward the fulfillment of your highest potential.

Tony Buzan

Are you aware that you are a unique person? In the entire universe there is no other person who is just like you! No one has your face, your voice, your physical features, your thumb impression, your habits, your taste, your attitude, your height and weight, your feelings and emotions, your image….! You are just great!! While creating you God decided that way and decided that you should be different from any one he created. You are a master piece. You are not a product of mass or batch production.


Since you are His master piece, you need to have this image inside you and exhibit the quality of a master piece. You need to stand out differently from the crowd. Once this idea is embedded in your mind, it will become natural for you to think differently and behave differently. The reason is very simple. Our external behaviour is a reflection of what we think ourselves to be.


You would have noticed that stage artists who take the role of historical personalities have to think that they are such people so that they are able to play their role effectively. The same principle applies when it comes to being your best. The more  you think that you are a master piece, the more  you will behave like one.


Perhaps you can write down this sentence somewhere on your work table visible to you: since I am God's master piece, I will behave like one. In what way I want to be different to day so that I stand out different from the crowd? What is that one thing that I should do today which will be my specialty?


Try this approach for a fortnight and notice the difference!


N C Sridharan



