[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th February 2010


Fit for today and ready for tomorrow?



Today is the tomorrow you didn't plan for yesterday.



We are in a very competitive world and a lot of changes are taking place around us. If we compare the changes that have taken place around us in the last 20 years and compare the same with the changes that have taken place in the last 5 years, we will be amazed at the rate of change. Just look around and notice the change in the various products and technologies. Also notice how much has changed in the skill level of people. Notice the expectations at the market place and how people respond to obsolete technology and skill level. Consider the amount and intensity of communication and the near cut throat competition in the market place.


All these things point to one thing: we need to be fit for today and ready for tomorrow. If do not have a competitive advantage over others, we will be side lined. It is the age of the survival of the fittest, our knowledge, skill, capacity, contribution, experience, attitude, aptitude and education should meet today's expectations and requirements. Else, we will not be wanted. Keeping ourselves up dated to survive and being wanted for today's requirements is very critical. We cannot afford to take things for granted.


At the same time, being fit today does not mean that we are ready to meet the challenges of the change that await us tomorrow. More and more changes are bound to take place in future and we should also be preparing ourselves to be relevant when the future arrives. We have to spend some time to equip ourselves for tomorrow.


While this above is true, if you really consider how our time is spent, most of our time is spent on putting down yesterday's fire and attending to today's priorities. These are required and there is no doubt about it. But, these are not the only thing required. We need to look beyond what is relevant to day.


This week end spend some time on the question: what effort am I   taking now  to be ready tomorrow? Do I have the skills and education required when the future arrives with all its uncertainties?


N C Sridharan



