[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st  March 2010


"There are no shortcuts. To be a big success, start a little earlier, work a little harder, and stay a little later."

Brian Tracy

Whether we like it are not, the above is true. We need to understand that big success calls for big efforts and a lot of focus and consistency. You take any person in any field. They elucidate the quotation: there is no substitute for hard work. If by merely wishing alone one can get success, then there should be no failure person around us. All of us work. But the question is do we work hard enough and long enough? We get an idea and get excited about the idea. We may also start working long enough and early enough. But do we follow through? Are we consistent? Do we give up much earlier than our competitor?


Have you calculated how much you work? You may have known what you are doing. How much is a quantity term. The question `what' defines the content of our time. This explains the activity we pursue. For example, we write, we swim, we dance, we sing etc. If you are a writer, you need to decide your scope and the sweep as a writer; if you want to a violinist, decide who is your bench mark; if you want to be a social worker, decide who is your bench mark and role model.


Once you have defined these parameters, then the only remaining issue is the quantum of work you have to put in a day's time. For example, if you want to be a professional writer, check how much your role model writes and try to write ten percent more than him! The reason is simple: he started earlier than you, he has written more than you and he has stayed more than you in the writing field.


Now, do you agree that there are no shortcuts to big success?


N C Sridharan



