[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


5th February 2010


Mind Your Process…


"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.


-- Lena Horne



All of us  complain that we have too much work to do. We work very hard and sometimes we are advised that over work will kill us. It is also true that some times we feel very tired and break down. We need to understand that it is not the amount of work that we do, but the process of doing the work which makes the same difficult. We need to understand that our body is rated for a very high capacity and it is for us to use the same.


With the external competition becoming more and more intense, there is no doubt that we have to put in more efforts. We also notice that there are many  more opportunities to be exploited now than in the past and it is for us to make use of them. In the era of perfect competition, we need to be the fittest person, else we will be eliminated.


Once we accept the above to be the reality,  the only thing we need to focus on  is how well we are organized to meet the challenges of life. We need to know if we have the right type of technology to support our ambition in life. We need to check if our infrastructure will allow us to stretch our goals. We need to check if we have the requisite soft skill such as our motivation level and people management skills to get the requisite result.


If we look around, we will notice that to day a larger number of automobiles are  being made than in the past. This is true for any product that we use. At the same time we will also notice that an automobile is not made the same way it was made ten years ago. A film is not produced the same way it was produced ten years ago. A lot of thinking has gone into planning how a thing has to be done. This strategy has helped us to produce better results, both in terms of quantity as well as quality.


This evening, consider if you feel you are breaking down in some aspect of your work. If so, check if you have the right process to do the work. Find out what stands in the way of your doing the work effortlessly.


N C Sridharan

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