[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


17th February 2010


You cannot do it alone!


I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.

John D Rockefeller



All of us want to succeed in life and reach our goals and aspirations. Our goals may be very big or modest. We need to understand the simple principle in life that we alone can succeed, but we cannot succeed alone! This calls for an ability and willingness to understand that others are valuable resources and they can contribute to our success. Sometimes our ego may not allow us to accept the fact that others are valuable for our success. It is more so if we have an exaggerated opinion about our own ability and skill.


When we want to achieve something on our own, we can do it. There is no problem. But such an accomplishment will not be much in terms of the size and magnitude. With a larger team, we can aim at a target much more than we can do it on our own. The power that is generated by all the individuals put together is much more than the arithmetical total of all the strength of the individual members. This is called synergy. Great organizations are built this way. In an organization, the weakness of one member is more than neutralized by the strength of other members.


This week end, you can do an exercise. List a few big projects that you want to initiate and finish. It should be much bigger than something which you can do  alone. Then list the names of the people who could be of resource to you. List the areas in which they can help you. Be very meticulous and specific in your listing. Once you have done it, make out an action plan as to how you are going to tap from their experience and knowledge.

Review the result of this approach and compare the same with another project which you accomplished and did on your own. Notice the difference in the two approaches.


N C Sridharan



