[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th April 2010

If your sunshine wants far outstrip your cold morning desire, have a talk with yourself. Then have a lot more talks with yourself. Convince number one that you can succeed--and you will succeed. If you don't believe in you, why should anyone else?

Tom Hopkins

There is a most important person who decides your destiny. He makes up your day. He propels you into action and he also pulls you back sometimes. Without his consent you can not do anything. If this person does not support and cooperates with you, your lofty dreams will crumble like a pack of cards.

You know this person and of course he knows you also too well. But the only thing is, you don't recognize his presence and his influence. Many times you take him for granted and assume that he is with you in whatever you do. Do you know who is this person? You are right! He is you!

Whether we are aware of it or not, there is always a strong inner dialogue and debate constantly going on in your mind. The content and quality of this dialogue will decide your thought process. If your thought process empowers you, you will feel enthusiastic and empowered. This thought process is structured by your unconscious mind, if you don't take charge. The one major distinguishing feature of a successful person is the fact that they consciously decide this inner chattering of their mind. They occupy their mind with healthy thoughts by decide. They use a powerful mental affirmation. This increases their self confidence and self worth. This strategy helps them to sustain their effort level even when they encounter heart breaking failures.

Just stop reading this and check what is your inner dialogue at this point of time!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th April 2010

A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed

 was not strong enough.

 John Christian Bovee

Let us be very clear. Those who have succeeded have also failed many times before finally succeeding. Every time they failed, they learnt some lesson from their failure, changed their strategy and succeeded ultimately. It is not the desire to succeed, but the willingness to face failure which will distinguish the good from the great.

Have you heard of the legendry Robert Bruce the Scottish King? He was on the run during the winter of 1305-06 hiding in a cave. He saw a spider spinning a web trying to make a connection from one end of the cave to another. He saw the spider failing several times, but started it all over again until it finally succeeded. Robert Bruce was inspired by this incident, and returned from the cave to fight the English and won many battles and won several supporters.

The story of Robert Bruce is an example of how the mind of a great person works and never letting the mind to succumb to the dampness of failures. Also remember the Chinese proverb `fall seven times, stand up eight'. As long as we are determined to succeed, no power on earth can stand between us and our dream.

After reading this piece, do a simple exercise. List all those projects you gave up due to some setback and decide which project you want to start again and do something today in the direction of the project!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th April 2010

Nature gave us two ends: one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then, man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.

Robert Albert Bloch

A very thought provoking quotation! Day in day out we get a lot of ideas and many thoughts cross our mind. We don't work on all the ideas we get. We don't even notice some ideas and they slip our conscious awareness. We work on some ideas for sometime but not sufficient enough to get the maximum output from the same. But the idea we work maximum, gives us the maximum yield.

Our success is based not on how fertile is the idea, but on how much we work on the same. It is not the size of the idea either. What is even more important is how much we meditate on the same. The duration of time an idea occupies our mind will decide how much we are going to tap from that idea. This depends on our focus and concentration and these factors will decide the quantum of work we are going to put in on that project.

One important principle of time management is setting correct priorities. We need to understand what is most important, or wildly important given our goal and role in our life. Once we are cleat on this, then we can list all the ideas that we get at any point of time and rate each idea on a one to five point rating. The ideas which get a five rating are the most critical ones and we have to allot sufficient time on thinking about such ideas.

As I had mentioned earlier, remember the law of nature: what is used less will become useless! An idea on which you have not worked will become useless, no matter how potential is the idea.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th April 2010

"Love is a better master than duty."

 -- Albert Einstein

When you see some people working hard in spite of physical limitations, stop for a while a while and think why they do so? Think of millionaires working long hours even though they need not work for a living. Think about the sports people sweating in the ground straining their every nerve. What makes them to take that much of a strain?

Also consider an engineer trainee pursuing his work whether or not his work is recognized and appreciated. Think about your mother who day in day out cooks your food without expecting any reward. Think about the scientists, artists and writers who continue working hours and days together without any break or rest.

Just think what makes them to so? What drives them? Where is their motivation, inside or outside them? The one probable answer is: passion. They are passionate in doing what they do. Driven by the passion, they do sustained hard work.

If you accept this as a possible explanation for their effort level, the next question is what makes them so passionate about their work. The answer is simple: they love their job! It's not that they consider it their duty to play their role. More than their sense of duty, it is their love of their job which makes them to persevere.

When you feel that is it your duty to teach, you do it as your profession to teach. You will teach as long as your teaching satisfies your wants and needs. If you love teaching, you will teach as long as your teaching satisfies your inner ego. If you love what you do, you will be at your best and become a legend in your field. If you consider it as your duty to do a thing, you will be working very hard, but not become a legend.

Take any one thing that you are doing now and ask yourself: am I doing it as my duty or do I do it because I love doing it?

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th April 2010

"Think little goals and expect little achievements.

Think big goals and win big success."

 -- David Joseph Schwartz

Our thoughts make what we are. We decide our own quality of life. As we think, so we will become. The limitations we experience are in our mind and they are accepted by us. They are not forced on us.

The world is full of opportunities and it is upto us to decide how much we want to exploit. We also have enormous talents and capabilities. What is required is clarity in our mind and a well thought out and appropriate strategy to reach our goals and ambitions in life. If we think of big opportunities, we will find out ways and means to mobilizing the requisite resources to support our action plan. If we think about ordinary goals, we will automatically start looking at such resources that will take us there.

I am sure you will agree with me that we get inspired and sometimes we also feel jealous of people who achieve great things. We need to realise that the main reason they reached such heights is the fact that they thought big. They dreamt of big goals. They visualized their working hard and reaching such dizzy heights. Their enthusiasm was fueled by the mental picture of their achieving such big goals. This mental excitement sustains their relentless efforts in spite of hardship and temporary setbacks.

The way their goal is represented in their mind is very important. They see their goal as big, not merely in terms of it physical size or commercial value, but also in terms of its `emotional value'.

Over this weekend, list all the goals and aspirations you have and rate them in the order of their size in your mind. Mentally magnify their size and see if there is a change in your enthusiasm level and motivation. Do this exercise honestly and you will realize the power of your mental commitment.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


23rd April 2010

Gloom we have always with us, a rank and sturdy weed, but joy requires tending.

Barbara Holland

We have to learn from the nature. Weeds are automatic. We need not grow them. But we have to plant a useful seedling and carefully nurture and grow the same. We don't have to attend to the weeds. Even if you don't plant a useful plant, weeds will grow.

Our mind is also like a fertile soil. Gloom is natural, but joy has to be nurtured. You will have many reasons to feel gloomy. But you need to have only one reason to be happy: you want to be happy, decide to be happy and so remain happy. But you don't have to decide to be gloomy. Like weeds, gloom is natural. I will give another example. You need not do anything for the plant to wither away. Just do nothing and the plant will wither away and die. But you have to regularly water the plant to make it fresh and allow it to grow.

This law of nature is very relevant for our mind also. You have to find out all the reasons to feel and remain happy. If you start looking for reasons to feel gloomy, you will find out all the reasons. The more and more you do this, your mind will be occupied with all the disempowering thoughts. Over a period of time you will become a specialist to remain gloomy. This state of mind will affect your body chemistry and physiology since there is always a strong connection between your body and mind.

Every day, before going to bed, spend just five minutes to list all that you already have to feel on the top of the world. Do this exercise everyday for a month and notice what happens to your mental health and consequently your energy level!

 N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


22nd April 2010

True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice.

Samuel Johnson

We are what our thoughts make us. Our thoughts are decided by what we see and hear in our conscious awareness. Our surrounding and circumstances decide what we see and hear. Just like the temperature around us affects us, our surroundings affect our thought quality.

One important choice we have to make is the choice of people whom we want to move with and the people we want to move with. We have limited time and we have to use the same intelligently. When we move with people, their thought quality affects us and what they say and do affect our character, habits and attitude. These parameters decide what we say and do.

For example in the company of those who love books, we will come to know what to read; in the company of those who love music, we come to know what to hear; in the company of sports lovers, we come to know what sports to watch.

Once we decide our mission in life, we have to decide our long term, medium term and long term goals. Once we are clear about these, the next stage to resource mobilization drive. While money and material are very important resources, knowledge and information in support of our goal are also very important resources. Our friends' circle should propel and encourage us into action and not deter us.

Over this weekend, do a small `audit' of your friends by asking a power question: am I being surrounded by such people who will help me to realise my ambitions in my life? If not, what should I do?

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


21st April 2010

"Genius is there in all of us, just waiting for us to tap into it."

- Robert R. Toth

In my time management programme, I teach the principle of self exploration which is based on the premise that all of us have our special talent. Some of us are talented in singing, some in drawing, some in chess and some others in swimming etc. If you read Howard Gardener's book on Multiple Intelligence, you will come to know the eight different types of intelligences. We have to explore and find out what is our hidden talent.

Our hidden talent is like a raw material. A raw material has to be treated and converted into a finished product. You grind a sandal wood to take the essence. But you give heat treatment to a metal and you don't grind a metal. Similarly, you have to convert the hidden talent into some specific skill by acquiring the requisite knowledge and expertise. We also need to find an appropriate platform to display and `show case' our talent.

We need to focus all our efforts and persevere in the direction of our goal se set in our field and dream. If we develop the passion and cultivate the attitude of a `killer instinct' to succeed in our efforts, the sky is the limit. The rest of it is a matter of strategy and self discipline. We can decide on a bench mark and take a role model and work hard.

If we do it, we are sure to succeed.

N C Sridharan



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