[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th April 2010

Nature gave us two ends: one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then, man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.

Robert Albert Bloch

A very thought provoking quotation! Day in day out we get a lot of ideas and many thoughts cross our mind. We don't work on all the ideas we get. We don't even notice some ideas and they slip our conscious awareness. We work on some ideas for sometime but not sufficient enough to get the maximum output from the same. But the idea we work maximum, gives us the maximum yield.

Our success is based not on how fertile is the idea, but on how much we work on the same. It is not the size of the idea either. What is even more important is how much we meditate on the same. The duration of time an idea occupies our mind will decide how much we are going to tap from that idea. This depends on our focus and concentration and these factors will decide the quantum of work we are going to put in on that project.

One important principle of time management is setting correct priorities. We need to understand what is most important, or wildly important given our goal and role in our life. Once we are cleat on this, then we can list all the ideas that we get at any point of time and rate each idea on a one to five point rating. The ideas which get a five rating are the most critical ones and we have to allot sufficient time on thinking about such ideas.

As I had mentioned earlier, remember the law of nature: what is used less will become useless! An idea on which you have not worked will become useless, no matter how potential is the idea.

N C Sridharan



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