[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


14th April 2010

The patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life. Don't take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop.

Quentin Regestein

We all know that we should maintain our automobile and not rely on the expertise of our mechanic to repair the same! The same principle applies to our body also. Just as we do not want to take our automobile very often to the repair shop, we should not present ourselves to the doctor in the hope that he will make us fit.

Managing our body is our primary responsibility. We need to appreciate how precious our body is. There is innumerable number of parts in our body. Log on to internet and try to know the number of parts just in our brain alone. You will be amazed and stunned to know the fact. These parts are original and there is no place in the universe where you can get a spare! These parts are interconnected and assembled by the `master craftsman' who is the Almighty! No one can rectify is any part of the brain malfunctions! But believe it when I say that as long as we do not tamper with our body, there is no chance that any part will malfunction. When you buy an electrical gadget, the manufacturer will give you a manual in which certain dos and don'ts are given and you are supposed to follow the same. Else, you will end in the repair shop. But there is no such manual for the human system.

Take care of your health and respect your body! Spend fifteen minutes a day to audit your life style, food habits, and how you treat your body. Spend the first hour the day to plan and take care of your body. Remember that if a person says he has no time to exercise will have a lot of time for doctors!

N C Sridharan



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