[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


15th April 2010

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. 

 -  John Calvin Coolidge

We may have all our limbs intact, but what is the use if our brain is not functioning? The brain is the power house that emanates all commands. If the brain is dead, then the five senses cease to function. But the brain is merely the hardware just like a computer. If the computer is not loaded with the required software, no matter what technology is installed in the computer, it is useless.

Similarly, we may have all the required resources such as talent, intelligence, education, wealth, health, authority, power, government support etc. But if we do not have the perseverance and willpower to succeed, there is no use having everything in us.

In fact, if only we have the willpower and perseverance, we can acquire all the other things mentioned above. Similarly, if we do not have perseverance, we will loose everything we have. We can acquire talent, knowledge, wealth, health, power, etc. But willpower and perseverance cannot be `acquired' from others. it has to be `developed' inside us by us. It is a self generated resource. Talent and skill can be taught to us. But perseverance and willpower cannot be taught to us by anyone.

The only way to acquire perseverance is to get interested in our life as a whole and our job in particular. We have to love our job. This will develop the passion to do pursue our goal and five us the willpower to use all the other resources at our disposal.

N C Sridharan



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