[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


2nd April 2010

"Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Saying no to oneself! Think about that as a discipline! I never thought about it so far. In my assertiveness programme I train people how to say no to others' unreasonable demands and protect our time. Now I realise that we should have the discipline to say no to ourselves also.

In our weak moments, we give ourselves certain commands which may not be good to us. Or we may succumb to our mind's commands to lie down in the bed and while away the precious moments in our life. We may listen to our minds temptations to over eat or over drink. Or we may even obey our mind's instructions to over work and deny ourselves the pleasure of rest and family time. So no to that!

Sometime our ego may not allow us to listen to words of wisdom from others and our mind will drive us to take some action in spite of warning from others. Say no that!

Over this weekend, can you do a home work? Write all those things your mind told you to do and you should have said no firmly and think what difference that would have made to the quality of your life!

N C Sridharan



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