[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th April 2010

"Think little goals and expect little achievements.

Think big goals and win big success."

 -- David Joseph Schwartz

Our thoughts make what we are. We decide our own quality of life. As we think, so we will become. The limitations we experience are in our mind and they are accepted by us. They are not forced on us.

The world is full of opportunities and it is upto us to decide how much we want to exploit. We also have enormous talents and capabilities. What is required is clarity in our mind and a well thought out and appropriate strategy to reach our goals and ambitions in life. If we think of big opportunities, we will find out ways and means to mobilizing the requisite resources to support our action plan. If we think about ordinary goals, we will automatically start looking at such resources that will take us there.

I am sure you will agree with me that we get inspired and sometimes we also feel jealous of people who achieve great things. We need to realise that the main reason they reached such heights is the fact that they thought big. They dreamt of big goals. They visualized their working hard and reaching such dizzy heights. Their enthusiasm was fueled by the mental picture of their achieving such big goals. This mental excitement sustains their relentless efforts in spite of hardship and temporary setbacks.

The way their goal is represented in their mind is very important. They see their goal as big, not merely in terms of it physical size or commercial value, but also in terms of its `emotional value'.

Over this weekend, list all the goals and aspirations you have and rate them in the order of their size in your mind. Mentally magnify their size and see if there is a change in your enthusiasm level and motivation. Do this exercise honestly and you will realize the power of your mental commitment.

N C Sridharan



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