[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


7th April 2010

The tongue is the only tool that gets sharper with use.

Washington Irving

Any tool becomes blunt by usage, not the tongue, and in fact it becomes sharper! I was stunned at the richness of the quotation. Human beings are unique die to our power of expression. We live in the world surrounded by many people and our life does not depend on our efforts only. One of the very critical skill we have to develop is our communication skill.

In order to have our way, we have to communicate with others. Our communication should be sharp and effective. One of the NLP Presupposition is `the purpose of communication is the response you get!'. If we do not get the desired response, then it means that our communication is defective. Next time you watch a TV commercial notice the how powerfully the message is communicated with very little words.

Notice how you can `polish' your communication process. Consider using right words, metaphors, examples, stories, jokes, anecdotes etc. Notice if you are using inflection, which means combining feelings with words. Practice `one minute speech' in which you learn to deliver a powerful message in a minute. Record your speech in a tape and play it back to notice scope for improvement. Log on to the net and down load speeches of powerful speakers. Collect jokes and stories to use in your communication.

Remember: a pot is selected by the sound it makes, and so also a person is evaluated by the sound he makes!

N C Sridharan



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