[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th April 2010

"Love is a better master than duty."

 -- Albert Einstein

When you see some people working hard in spite of physical limitations, stop for a while a while and think why they do so? Think of millionaires working long hours even though they need not work for a living. Think about the sports people sweating in the ground straining their every nerve. What makes them to take that much of a strain?

Also consider an engineer trainee pursuing his work whether or not his work is recognized and appreciated. Think about your mother who day in day out cooks your food without expecting any reward. Think about the scientists, artists and writers who continue working hours and days together without any break or rest.

Just think what makes them to so? What drives them? Where is their motivation, inside or outside them? The one probable answer is: passion. They are passionate in doing what they do. Driven by the passion, they do sustained hard work.

If you accept this as a possible explanation for their effort level, the next question is what makes them so passionate about their work. The answer is simple: they love their job! It's not that they consider it their duty to play their role. More than their sense of duty, it is their love of their job which makes them to persevere.

When you feel that is it your duty to teach, you do it as your profession to teach. You will teach as long as your teaching satisfies your wants and needs. If you love teaching, you will teach as long as your teaching satisfies your inner ego. If you love what you do, you will be at your best and become a legend in your field. If you consider it as your duty to do a thing, you will be working very hard, but not become a legend.

Take any one thing that you are doing now and ask yourself: am I doing it as my duty or do I do it because I love doing it?

N C Sridharan



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