[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


12th April 2010

"If you go as far as you can see, you will then see enough to go even farther."

 -- John Wooden

Here's is what people ask me frequently in my time management seminars: `I want to improve my English, what should I do', `I want to reduce my weight, what should I do', `I want to learn a new language, what should I do?' and the list is endless. My answer is simple and easy: do something, do anything now!'. Our problem is not that complicated and we only make it so by our own inaction. More often than not we know what to do but we don't do it.

For example, if we want to improve our English, the only two things you have to do is: read and speak! It's as simple as that. Take a newspaper and read aloud. Do it five minutes immediately. Or do it for one minute, but now! Take a vow that you will not have your dinner without reading and speaking English at least for five minutes in a day, matter what you read and whether you understand the same or not. First get into the habit of consistency, then you can improve the duration of your spoken English project.

The same principle applies to any project which we want to do start and have not started. The name of the game is consistency and endurance. Here's another quotation: He conquers who endures.  – Persius

Over this weekend, list at least three projects which you have wanted to complete but `you don't know what to do'. Do something relevant for that project just for five minutes every day and see what happens to your problem!

N C Sridharan



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