[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 58

12th September 2011

Do you disagree with others when necessary? Or, are you a `yes' man? The ability to analyze and to come to an independent decision is an important quality which will help you to succeed in life. In our daily life we will come across people who may express an opinion. If their decisions and opinions are likely to affect us in some way, we need to apply our mind and express our own opinion and views. Many of us are not assertive. We may be either submissive or aggressive.

You have to train yourself to express your own point of view if need be. Like you learnt cycling or typing, you need to learn this skill also.

One way to do this is to observe people who express a contradictory view tactfully. Start expressing your views on small issues. On major issues, you may take time and reflect on the choices you have. You may jot down your reasons why don't agree on the view expressed before expressing your point of view.

Start developing this trait in you from this week and notice your personality grow!

N C Sridharan



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