[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 77


7th October 2011


`The greatest wealth is health'. 



Take Care of Your Health…


Just now I met a person who has not been attending to work for some time. I enquired about his health and he mentioned that he has some hormone deficiency. I asked him if he is exercising regularly. He came with the normal `universal excuse': no time!


Isn't true that the more busy you are, the more fit you should be? If you have no responsibility in life, perhaps you can take life very easy. But, if you are an important person and shouldering high responsibility, you should certainly take care of your health since your poor health will affect your work life.


List what efforts you are taking to take care of your health. For one full week log all your activities and calculate what percentage of your time you are spending for maintaining your health.


You don't have to clean and service an idle vehicle. But you have to carefully maintain a heavily used precious vehicle. Remember that your physique is God's precious gift and his job is over the moment he has given it to you. He will not maintain it for you!


N C Sridharan



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