[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


2nd June 2012

Indiscipline destroys productivity

 `With self-discipline most anything is possible'

Theodore Roosevelt

In my time management seminars I keep saying that our objective should be to make our time work for us and that we have enough time to do much more than our known capacity. The reason why we end up with the universal excuse `no time', is the fact that we dissipate our available time on unproductive and non value adding activities.

One major productivity killer is indiscipline. Next time when you walk on the road notice the various acts of indiscipline – small and big. Effectiveness is a result of following certain dos and don'ts whether we like it or not which means discipline. When we don't fall into this discipline, we not only waste our time but also that of others.

It may please you temporarily to beat the traffic signal. It may suit you to absent without prior permission. It will serve your immediate purpose to park your car in a non parking area. You may like speaking in a loud voice or play your music system very loud. But all this will affect someone else' productivity. When someone does this, your productivity will be affected.

It will be a nice idea to notice these things in your life and try to visualize a world without these and how much your productivity will shoot up!

N C Sridharan



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