[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


Start today!

1st Dec 2009

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Chinese Proverb

Before reading this page, do a small exercise: take a paper and pencil and list all the projects that are pending with you. They may be small or big. Examples are:

·        To write a book

·        To reduce weight

·        To join a MBA programme

·        To learn to play the violin

·        To construct a house

·        To improve relationship with the boss/customer… etc

Against each of these entries, write how long they have been pending with you and, most importantly, one valid reason why they are pending.  After writing this list, just think how different your life would have been if only you had completed the project without delay. Paint a mental picture of the quality of your life if only you had completed the project by this time. Take a piece of paper again and list all the advantages you would have got if you had implemented your plans in time. You have to write and not merely think.

After this exercise, write down your feelings at the end of this exercise. You will be amazed at the feelings you will go through!

Many of us are good planners and we have a very good positive intention to prosper in life. But when it comes to execution, we do not implement.   This is the parameter which distinguishes the successful people from others. A successful person has a plan of action for every thought that crosses his mind. Once he is convinced that a task will help him, he swings into action without much delay or procrastination.

After reading this page, go back to the same list you drew just now and write down one activity you can do today to implement your task.

Try this exercise and feel the impact!

N C Sridharan



