[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


2nd March 2010


A habit for all of us to develop would be to look for something to appreciate in everyone we meet. We can all be generous with appreciation.

Carl Holmes


You will agree that all of us feel happy when we are praised genuinely. In fact there can be no better motivation than being praised for what we do. The most important thing about praising is in the process both feel happy – the person praised as well as the person who praises. The next important thing about praising is what is praised grows since it makes the doer happy and motivates him to continue what he is doing. It is common sense that what is noticed grows and occupies our conscious attention.


In order to praise others, we need two qualities: one, the broad mind to accept that some one else has something praiseworthy; two, our ability to look for something good in others. Both these qualities are rare to be seen in the same person! Sometimes, our ego will not allow to accept that someone else something praise worthy, and even if we overcome this ego, we may feel reluctant or even shy to praise that person, especially if we are not used this way of living.


Over this week end do an exercise: write down the names of five persons whom you don't like. Against each of their name write down at least two qualities which you admire. Then muster all your courage and telephone them and convey your praise! One of two things will happen: either you will soon down, or they will!

N C Sridharan



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