[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


2nd may 2011

`All noise is waste. So cultivate quietness in your speech, in your thoughts, in your emotions. Speak habitually low. Wait for attention and then your low words will be charged with dynamite'

Elbert Hubbard

Extending our help and receiving help is an interesting topic and we can write and think about it to any length. The objective of helping someone is to make him feel happy and comfortable. If this objective is not met, then the very purpose of help is lost. Sometimes our help will be a disturbance. We should know when to help when not to help. Sometimes doing nothing can also a big help done to others! On many occasions, our silence can be a big help to others! I can give a few examples:

  • If a person is very clear about some issue, why volunteer help and confuse him?
  • A person is sick and admitted in the intensive care unit and doctors are very clear that no one should disturb the person. Why break all the rules and meet him in the ICU?
  • By nature someone is not too happy to receive help. Why offer help and embarrass him and ourselves?
  • A person is mature enough to take his own decisions and actions. Why volunteer advice and help unasked for?
  • It may be Sunday and your friend is relaxing in the afternoon over a nap. Why telephone him and ask him `are you relaxing?'

One area we can seriously control is too much of telephone calls, sms, e mails and reminders. All of us existed some twenty years ago when we did not have access to all these electronic gadgets and facilities. Life was very blissful and harmonious. After the mobile phones and sms, perhaps we are suffering from too much follow up and reminders. More often than not, our accessibility itself has become a nuisance! Can we resolve that we will not call another person by mobile or sms after 7 pm everyday and on holidays! Can we resolve that we will not forward any sms and e mails to others just because we found them to be interesting?

Think. There are many ways you can help others by not helping!

N C Sridharan



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