[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


11th May 2011

God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another.

-William Shakespeare

Suppose you by an equipment worth 3 million US $ which will add lot of values to the quality of your life, how will you use it? How proud will you be about your most precious possession? Will you misuse the same? Will you not take utmost care to preserve and maintain the same?

As I started to type this piece, I happened to watch an interesting news item on the television on what is called the first ever face transplantation carried out in a hospital in Boston. In 2008 Dallas Wienes lost his face in a fire accident when he accidentally came into contact with a high tension electric wire. He lost his eyes, ears, nose, tongue etc. His once attractive face completely got disfigured. Until the previous day, he used stand in front of a mirror and admire his face. But over night, he could not even imagine how his face became ugly.

Some anonymous person donated his face and in a fifteen hours marathon surgery a team of doctors did what is called the first ever complete face transplantation by a team of surgeons led by Dr. Eloff Erickson.

Now Dallas Wienes can smile, speak and face the world with his new face!

When I watched this television show, I was thinking on how we are using our face! Do we take care of our face? Do we smile and wear a happy countenance? Perhaps if we are conscious of the value of our face, we will be even more careful.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I pleasant looking?
  • Do I smile?
  • Do my eyes sparkle?
  • Do I care for how I look like?
  • How do I use the four of the five sensory which are situated in my face?

Perhaps we are not aware of our precious possession!

N C Sridharan



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