[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


17th May 2011

The three R's to become famous!

`Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time'

Arnold H. Glasgow

Everybody wants to become famous. Each one of us have some idea or other. Most of us also work very hard. But all are not successful. I was reading the life history of successful people and I notice that the following strategy is present in them:

They do the right thing, in the right way and at the right time.

The first question we should ask ourselves is: is this the right thing I should be doing? In my time management seminars I encourage people to ask a question frequently in a day: what's the best possible use of my time right now? This powerful question will make you to evaluate if you are doing what is right at any given point of time. By asking this question very often, you will become very clear about your priorities.

The next important thing is to ensure if your process is right. Take a simple thing as typing. If your fingering is not correct, you cannot be fast and accurate. In big organisations people talk about `SOP' which stands for Standard Operating Procedure. For doing anything a set of procedure is laid down and people are encouraged to follow the same. By following the right procedure, we can eliminate an unnecessary act which consumes our time but do not achieve any result. You may have the costliest car, but if you don't know how to drive, then it is useless.

The timing is very important. We may have the best idea; we may have an effective strategy to put the idea into practice. But if we don't act in time, then everything will be lost. Time and tide will wait for no one. We may have many reasons for not acting in time. The most dangerous reasons are laziness and procrastination. These two traits have destroyed many potential achievers. The only one thing they lacked was lack of time sense and timing.

Do you have these three R's?

N C Sridharan



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