[Time-Management] 'IGNITE' A Life Tranforming Experience!


`IGNITE' – A Life Transforming Experience

Dear readers,

I have been receiving a lot of response for the one day programme `IGNITE' to be held in Chennai around the third week of June. Many want to know what the programme is about. I thought I should send this mail:

·         All of us have the same biological brain which is identical in terms of parts and function. Across the human race there is no difference in the brain function.

·         If we accept that the brain determines our actions, then why are we different in terms of our ambitions and energy level?

·         The answer to the above question lies in how we use our mind! Empowerment is a mind process and not a brain process.

·         NLP is about how to `program' the mind so that the optimum capacity of the brain can be fully used.

The one day proframme `IGNITE' will inform us how to use NLP skills to exploit our hidden potential by programming our mind. Of course, the programme will also cover issues such as time management, setting correct priorities, avoiding time traps and time wasters.

This life transforming experience will be useful for anyone who wants to make a difference in their life. Your investment is Rs.2,000/- which includes the course fee, lunch, tea and course material.

The entire proceeds of this programme is donated to "Vaaname Ellai' which is a registered charitable trust in the field of education and parental training.

Please send your enquiries to thetimefoundation@gmail.com


N C Sridharan



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