[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th May 2011

The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.
Aristotle Onassis

`Knowledge is power'. It is indeed a powerful saying. The more knowledge you have, the more powerful you will be. Today we live in an era of information explosion. Everyday a new technology is unfolding, edging out old products based on outdated technology. The whole world is shrinking at your finger tips. In day's context, unless you are the best, you will be eliminated.

In today's context, unless you are globally competitive, you cannot exist. People want to use world class products. They want to travel in world class transport. They want to work in MNCs. Parents want their children to study in international schools. Sports people want to win international recognition. Patients want to access international health care.

In this context, we need to have knowledge of international standard. If we want to work for an international organisation, we need to have international knowledge base and skill set. You have to be the best in your chosen field. Unless and until you know the international technology and skill, you cannot produce international products and service.

Over this weekend ask the following questions:

  • What is my industry and where do I work?
  • What's my functional specialisation?
  • What is my skill inventory and how does it compare on a global level?
  • How is my bench mark on a global scenario? For example, if I play basket ball, how do I compare with Michael Jordon?
  • What is the gap between my knowledge and skill and the global standard?
  • Over the next six months how am I going to reach to the global standards in terms of knowledge and skill?

N C Sridharan



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