[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th May 2011

The getting notice portfolio!

Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.

– Stuart Henderson Britt

An organization may have the best product conforming to highest quality standards. It can be the priced very competitively. But it may not be sold as much as the competitor's product. The objective of any organization is to ensure that ultimately the product reaches the doorsteps of a customer. So, organizations have a marketing department which will take all the steps to place the product in the market to attract prospective customers.

In my time management seminars, some participants complain that their hard work is not recognized and valued by their superior officers. I tell that that their job does not end with just working hard. They have to take efforts to get noticed, especially by their immediate superior officer. We can call them as internal customer.

You are aware that every organization has a system of performance appraisal and every employee is evaluated at the end of the year. Depending on the value a person adds to the objectives of the organization, he is rewarded. In some organization, the bosses encourage their subordinates to do a self-appraisal. I have come across some employees who want to be humble and not wanting to project their contribution. They think that it may amount to boasting. If this is true, can we say that every media advertisement is a boasting?

There is a saying that justice should not only be done, but seen to be done. So is our performance. Unless and until we tell others what we have done, there is least chances of our good work being noticed. We have to `showcase' our talent and performance. Others should know what we have done.

We should take responsibility to our `getting noticed' portfolio, since the person who is most interested in us is ourselves!

N C Sridharan




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