[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


24th May 2011

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

Vincent Lombardi

Conscious consent….

This morning I was watching a TV Channel and a person was using the phrase conscious consent and the phrase attracted my attention. He was talking about the broader aspects of yoga. He was mentioning that the ultimate end of yoga is to make us conscious about what and why we are doing the various actions.

For doing any action, we need the consent of our mind. I have been repeatedly saying that our mind is the master and our brain is a very obedient servant to the mind. I will even say that the brain is a slave since it cannot do anything on its own. The brain has independent will. It is something like a computer in which there is no software. Or the software is malfunctioning due to a virus which has affected all the segments.

All of us set our goals and all of us also sincerely want to achieve the same. But not all of us achieve our goals the same way. The achievement is a result of the quality and intensity of our commitment to the goal. In most organizations there is a system of target setting and evaluation. People are assigned various targets and they are asked to execute the same with the resources allotted to them. Most of the people will also accept the same. But many do not achieve. There is a gap between what they promised to do and what they deliver. It is not as though they are not capable of delivering what they have promised. If you analyze their lives, in some other portfolio of their lives the same person will be totally involved and committed to what he promised.

Take for example the various suggestion schemes and task forces that are there in any organization. There will be people who will not take part in any of these discussions. It is not as though they cannot be creative or they cannot think in a  different way. If you go and observe them in their personal life, they will be highly creative and energetic. But they don't bring this attitude to their work place. The opposite may also be true. There are some people who are so much involved in their organizational roles. But they will be completely detached in their personal life.

The reason for this incongruity is that they don't consent to what they should be doing consciously. May be their mind is not in that. May be they don't see a compelling reason to commit to the task whole heartedly.

Next time when you commit to do anything, check if your mind is consenting consciously!

N C Sridharan



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