[Time-Management] Making of a Genius


4th May 2011

Subject: `Making of a Genius'

You may be aware that I am spending a lot of my time in helping school and college students so that they can use their talents effectively.  I have been received intensive training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) from United States during the last 15 years. I introduce NLP Principles t to students, parents and teachers so that they can do very well in their life.

I am happy announce that Doordharshan Chennai (Podhikai TV) will be telecasting a serial on Education and Accelerated Learning for 25 minutes on all Thursdays from at 5.05 pm from 5th May 2011 and I am the resource person for this along with my wife.

You will get an answer for most of the educated related issues in these episodes. Please set aside some time and watch these episodes if you feel this will be of interest to you.

Please pass on this message to your friends and relatives. Needless to say that I will be delighted to receive your feedback!

N C Sridharan



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