[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th May 2011

Do you know what you already have?

`Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference'

Winston Churchill

We always want something new. We yearn for things we don't have. But we should know the value of what we already have. If we know how valuable are the things we already have, our attitude to those things will be different.

Every day I spend some time in plucking flowers from my garden and offering the same to the God in my prayer room. In my house there are two very old trees called `Nagalingam' and the botanical name is couroupita-guianensis.  It is also called cannon-ball-tree. It's not only a beautiful flower, but also a very rare one. It is considered as very sacred by the Hindus who worship Lord Shiva. Every day I get over a hundred flowers. I have seen this flower in my house for the past fifty years.

I did not realize how valuable is this flower until I browsed the website. I saw a lot of comments on how scarce is this flower. When I went to the flower market I noticed that each of this flower is sold at Rs 10/- ! Not only that. The flower merchant said that since the flower is very rare, unless you order for the same you will not get it. You can log on to the website and know more about this flower.

Next day when I went to the same tree in my house to pluck the flower, my attitude to the flower was completely different! I was more careful in plucking the flowers. When I carried the flower in the basket I felt more proud! I had not felt this way all these years.

Same flowers, same tree, but different feeling! The only difference was in my mind. Nothing changed outside me, but the change was internal.

Next time when you drive your car, think of those who don't have one and you will maintain your car well. Next time when you talk to your parents, think of those who don't have their parents living, and you will respect your parents more. Next time when your children `disturb' you when you are very busy, think of those who don't have children and you will start enjoying such pleasant disturbances!

Remember, unless you value what you have, you will not enjoy its presence!

N C Sridharan



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