[Time-Management] "IGNITE" A Life Transforming Experience


Dear Readers,

I noticed some errors in my last e mail and I regret for the same. The following is the communication after the correction:

Dear readers,

Sub: "IGNITE" – A Life Transforming One Day Programme on Managing Our Life Using NLP

I do hope that you find my e mail newsletters useful and interesting. I have been conducting a self empowerment programme called "IGNITE" in various organisations for the past nearly 25 years. I have been receiving my NLP training from United States during the last 15 years from world class trainers. NLP is the latest state of the art technology to integrate the mind and the brain to tap into our full potential. NLP skills will teach you on how to achieve your peak performance by communicating with your mind.

Of late I have been receiving a lot of requests from various people to conduct this programme as an open event so that anyone interested in exploring his full potential can participate.

I am happy to announce that from the month of June 2011, I will be conducting one open programme in the third week in Chennai. The exact venue and timing will be announced.

The purpose of this mail is to inform you about this event. If you want to make use of this, please inform us on the following e mail id:



We will have no more than 50 seats which will be filled up on first come first served basis.


N C Sridharan




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