[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th May 2011

Your point of focus will decide your energy level!

`To accomplish more, redirect your mental energy by continuously reminding yourself of all the good things you do right'

Brian Koslow

I was speaking to a group of young executives of a leading automobile company. There was one interesting question which came up for discussion. The question was: what decides our energy level? Sometimes we are at the peak of our energy and at some other time our energy is at the lowest ebb. But in terms of our biology, we are the same. Our body chemicals does not alter so drastically from our to our. But our stamina and energy level keep changing. What is that factor which decides our energy level?

I explained to them the point of our focus will decide our energy level. Supposing we are handling a difficult project which demands all our resources. There are two things we can focus. One is the end result excitement and the other is the painful process which we go through as we work towards our ambitious project. If we visualize how things will look like and how we feel like, we will not be bothered about the painful effort level and the process. On the other hand, if our mind is too much occupied by the painful process, our mind cannot visualize the end result excitement.

When I talk to people who have achieved great results, I was stunned at their ability to mentally live the future even before the future has really arrived. In NLP we call it as `AS IF' frame. In this mindset we do a time progression and arrive at our future and typically live our dream. The more the detail of the dream, the more will be our energy level.

There is one tool you can try to realize what this dreaming means. Think about you very difficult project which is far beyond your present resource level. Visualize as though you have achieved it. Let it run as a picture in your mind's eye. Now take a piece of paper and draw a collage of your dream project. Use as many colours as possible. Make it as large as possible. Use all your creativity. Explain this collage to all your friends and relatives and notice how you feel. Keep this picture somewhere in front of you. In all your free time focus only on this and vivify this scene.

Do this honestly and see what happens to your energy level!

N C Sridharan



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