[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


16th May 2011

They can because they think they can.

The three E's for success!

I was thinking about the main qualities of successful people and I notice that they share three common traits:

  • They are highly energetic,
  • They equip themselves well, and
  • They enjoy what they do.

In short we can say that they are Energetic, Equipped and Enjoy!

As a part of my NLP programme, I interview successful people. I find them to be very energetic. I know a very senior and respectful educationist who is well past mid eighties. She cannot walk freely. But that has not stopped her from doing her normal work. She is very active and energetic right through the day. He day starts early in the morning and goes up to ten in the night. You can find her as energetic late in the evening as she was in the morning.

I also notice that successful people are very meticulous in equipping themselves well. They have the kind of infrastructure and gadgets they need to do their job effectively. Whenever they shop and come across some gadget or other they ask the question to themselves `will it be useful to me?'. They have the right type of computer, laptop, mobile phone, table size, chairs and what not. They have the right type of people around them. They equip themselves with the right type of knowledge and skill to their job effectively and efficiently.

Last but not the least, they enjoy their job. You can see the joy in their face. They never curse themselves for having to do what they have to do. This joy becomes contagious and they make others also enjoy what they do. This internal joyful frame of mind brings out the best from them. No matter how tough and hard their work may be, they enjoy the same. They enjoy the pain associated with their job. Next time you see a tennis player sweating out on the ground notice their love of their game.

Over this weekend, can you evaluate how you fair on these three E's?

N C Sridharan



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