[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 78 


10th October 2011


`He has a right to criticise, who has a heart to help'.

Abraham Lincoln


Giving Feedback and Criticism.


Sometimes we have to give feedback and criticism to others. It may be for their good or for our good. But the most important thing to remember is how to give the feedback, especially negative feedbacks and criticisms. The purpose of a negative feedback or criticism should be to help the other person and not to punish or insult him.


Evaluate the quality of your feedback with reference to the following factors:

·        The words you use – are they kind and appropriate?

·        The timing of your feedback – is it the right time? Choose a neutral occasion and not when the other person is emotionally charged.

·        The place. Praise in public, criticise in private!

·        Be genuine in your intention and let the other person know it.

·        Check if the purpose of your feedback is achieved and how the other person has taken it.

·        Let the other person know why and what you are trying to communicate.


A little amount of empathy and tact will go a long way to maintain a healthy rapport even after you have given the feedback and criticism.

N C Sridharan



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