[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 86

20th October 2011

`Television:  chewing gum for the eyes'. 

Frank Lloyd Wright


Control TV Viewing Time.

Have you considered cutting your TV time? Do it immediately. The visual media is so powerful that it will take away all your precious time. With the latest technology available, there is no limit at all for the number of channels available to watch. The only limitation is our time, which you know is very scarce.


Just imagine your life before the TV came to your room! Did you not have more family time and personal time? What happened to all that?


Consider the following:

  • Choose in advance, which programmes you are going to watch. All programmes may be interesting, but you have limited time.
  • Spend quality time on TV by watching useful channels. Give a functional bias to your TV watching portfolio.
  • Log your TV watching time for a week and try to reduce it by 20% to start with.
  • Don't have a TV in your work or study area; it will interfere with your work.

The list is endless. If you are really serious, you can use the TV for a productive purpose.

N C Sridharan



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