[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 92

28th October 2011

`A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success'.



Encourage Others.


Do you generally encourage or discourage others? Encouraging others is an important quality of a leader. We all need encouragements to achieve in life. Encouragement is the emotional tonic you give to others to build self confidence. This is the mutual help we give each other. We need a lot of help from others, but the important one is their encouraging words.   


Great achievers were lucky that they received encouragement at the right time which made all the difference. But for the encouragement of Helen Keller's mother Kate Adams Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan, she would have remained deaf and dumb forever.


Read the following:

  • Do you encourage people or discourage them?
  • Are people comfortable to come to you to say what they are trying to achieve? Or, do they shy away from you for fear of discouragement?
  • Would you have achieved whatever you've achieved if you had not been encouraged by someone?

Over the next one week, identify at least ten persons who are trying to achieve something in their life and think how you can encourage them.

N C Sridharan



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