[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 91

27th October 2011

`Do you wish men to speak well of you? Then never speak well of yourself'.

Blaise Pascal


Don't Brag!


Do you brag too much? We may not know, but others notice it! Bragging means to speak boastfully. There is nothing wrong in talking about your achievements. But, if you do it out of context, it's bragging and others may not like it and it may also irritate others.


There may be specific contexts when you have to talk about your achievements. But, if you are talking about your achievements on every occasion and to every person you meet, then it is bragging.


Be conscious about the following:

  • Do you talk about yourself in every meeting?
  • When you are supposed to be speaking about someone's achievements, are you actually speaking about your own achievements?
  • How do people perceive you with reference to this important trait?
  • When someone talks about his achievements, do you belittle the same by giving an example of how you did better than him?

Building a positive image is an important factor in life. Let it not be spoilt by your bragging. Behave in such a way that others talk about your achievement and you remain humble.

N C Sridharan



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