[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 89

25th October 2011

Respect Personal Space.

"Etiquette means behaving yourself a little better than is absolutely essential."


Cuppy, Will

People want privacy. Learn to respect the personal space of others. When we know someone too well, sometimes we take them for granted and without our being aware of it, we may intrude into their personal space. Some people may not like it. Some may feel embarrassed to express this. Some others may tell you bluntly and you may not like it. Even among very close relationships such as husband and wife, there is a personal space.


Check for the following traits in you:

  • Do you ask very personal questions to your friends?
  • Do you offer unsolicited advice?
  • Do you give unsolicited criticisms?
  • Do you offer unsolicited suggestions?
  • Do you point out others' mistakes which they may not like?
  • Do you barge into others' office without appointment?
  • Do you take undue liberties with your friends?

These are the areas where you've to be very careful with respect to personal space. Respecting others' personal space is good manners and etiquette. Maintaining good rapport and interpersonal relationship is an art. We should be diplomatic and graceful when moving with others.

N C Sridharan



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