[Time-Management] 100 Days Improvement Plan!


Day 98

7th November 2011

`If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves'.

Maria Edgeworth


Know the Value of Time.


In order to effectively use any resource, we should be conscious of its value. If this consciousness is missing, we will not be careful with the use of that resource. Time is a valuable resource, but we are not conscious of its passing since we don't see this resource through our eyes. We are able to see other resources such as money, petrol and water to know what the balance is. But we can only feel the time passing, if we choose to do.

Do this exercise to understand how unconscious we are about the passing time.

Close your eyes and resolve not to open your eyes for two minutes. Stop reading this page and actually do this exercise. Most of you would have opened your eyes before two minutes! You would have felt restless and anxious to know if two minutes are over. Do this exercise every day, gradually increasing the duration up to ten minutes. Over a period of time, you will become accurate in noticing time passing. This consciousness will make you to value your time as a scarce resource.

N C Sridharan



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